
First, let me say welcome. I’m glad you stopped by, even if it’s just for a short visit.

This website is the chronicle of my thoughts, actions, and decisions as I try to achieve greater life balance between work and play. For the past 15 years, I have focused so much energy into school, career, and relationships that somewhere along the way, I forgot what I like to do for fun. So much so, that I can spend hours just trying to decide what to do when I have free time.

Frequently, I revert to a pastime from my youth, something that brought me joy and to which I could devote hours of time without thought. Yet, so often, this leaves me feeling somewhat empty, unfulfilled. Why? Is nostalgia preventing the realization that these diversions just don’t provide the same entertainment value for me as an adult? Or have I become too cynical? Maybe I need to remember how much fun the world really can be with a little imagination.

.Join me as I critically analyze how I spend my time and discover what fun truly means.

Why a zebra?

While living abroad for a few years, I had the opportunity to visit a lot of great places. One such place was an amazing zoo in Belgium called Pairi Daiza (seriously the best zoo I have ever been to.) When we approached the zebra exhibit, I noticed a single zebra away from the pack looking somewhat confused. His focus kept switching between the water in front of him and the zeal of zebras (yup, a zeal, look it up) behind him. Eventually he stopped looking at either one and just stood there frozen. I said to my wife, “Awww. Look. He doesn’t know whether he wants water or to join the other zebras. He’s paralyzed by a decision that doesn’t matter. This is my spirit animal.” Hence, the birth of decision paralysis zebra.


I am a child of the 80s, and I definitely have a bit of nostalgia happening lately, which is probably adding to the problem. I grew up in the Midwest along the Ohio River and currently work in the medical field.

Over the years, quite a few interests have absorbed significant amounts of my time. I am a gamer and have had a game system in the house since the Atari 2600. For over 20 years, I have designed and managed haunted houses ranging from an abandoned college dorm to a former state penitentiary. I have worked 15 years in theater, specializing in stage lighting but recently exploring directing. I volunteered in nature education for multiple years, have been geocaching since 2003, and love amusement parks.